For by Him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible,...For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, that THEY ARE WITHOUT EXCUSE: Col 1:16 / Rom.1:20

Sunday, March 23, 2025

Biology And Sunsets

1. Stress reduction: It can be a great stress reliever.
2. Improved sleep quality: Sunsets produce a red and orange light spectrum that can help regulate your circadian rhythm.
3. Boosted mood: Watching the sunset can lift your spirits.
4. Opportunity for reflection: Sunsets inspire reflection and gratitude.
5. Slowed down time: The experience can make time feel more meaningful.
Beloved, I wish above all things that thou in health,.. 
3 John 1:2

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Dead Dinosaurs Blood

 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.
1 Corinthians 3:19

"Fossilized dinosaur cells that defied the ravages of time — 20 years since a key discovery (Nature News and Views, 17 March 2025). 
The Darwin-loyal scientific community is adamant that dinosaurs were wiped out 65 million years ago. ‘Old dead dinosaurs do not bleed,’ they insisted in effect. 
Every part of a dinosaur fossil should have 
long ago been replaced by minerals. 
After so much time, no original tissue could possibly have remained.
Then, in 2005, Dr Mary Schweitzer found 
stretchy blood vessels inside the femur of a T. rex. Watch the reaction of a Darwin Party reporter and a leading dinosaur paleontologist in this clip from the CBS program 60 Minutes that aired shortly after the discovery was published.

Dr Schweitzer’s discovery was not the first. Other reports of dinosaur soft tissue had been published earlier, but hers was the one that made the biggest media splash. 
Since 2005, numerous other reports have been published. Dr Brian Thomas at ICR keeps a list, now with over 100 entries. 
CEH has been sharing many reports of dinosaur soft tissue since 2005. 
But the Darwinist Deep Time consensus, intent on refuting the soft tissue claims, has tried every possible angle to show that dead dinosaurs do not bleed. They have claimed contamination. They have alleged that biofilms in the bone mimic original dinosaur tissue. They have imagined weird chemistry: anything but believe that that is real, original dinosaur soft tissue. They have run out of options.

----Now, the leading scientific journal is admitting, 20 years late, that dead dinosaurs do bleed.
"Although there had been a number of reports of soft tissues and biomolecular fragments extracted from fossils from the Mesozoic era (252 million to 65 million years ago) and Palaeozoic era (538 million to 252 million years ago), it was a landmark paper published in Science in 2005 by Mary Schweitzer and colleagues that prompted palaeontologists, chemists, geologists, astrobiologists and evolutionary biologists to question previous assumptions about the limitations of the fossil record."

That Nature would “question previous assumptions” on this subject represents the turning of a corner in the history of science. 
Here are some of the admissions author Jasmina Wiemann makes in this article:
*The proteins in the fossil are original, primordial tissue.
Surprisingly,” this includes “flexible, pliable, and translucent” organic cellular and vascular structures in a fibrous meshwork in tyrannosaur and hadrosaur dinosaur bones.
*The “reported preservation of biomolecules directly contradicted existing decay models.” In other words, the consensus was wrong.
The material includes “remarkable preservation down to the subcellular level” of original tissue.
*The material includes “structures similar to bone cells (osteocytes), blood vessels with surface marks resembling junctions between endothelial cells and containing possible cell nuclei, and patches of fibrous extracellular matrix.”

Schweitzer’s discovery compares well with tissues from a modern ostrich bone, including the response of antibodies to the material.

The soft tissue “may retain some of their original flexibility, elasticity, and resilience”. 

What Schweitzer showed on 60 minutes, eliciting a gasp from Lesley Stahl, was therefore not a trick.
Parts of the “dinosaur protein 3D (quaternary) structure were still intact, able to bind to antibodies ....”

The reaction? “This 2005 paper and follow-up investigations were met with both excitement and scepticism across the sciences,” Wiemann writes. 
They didn’t want to believe it. 
They couldn’t imagine it. 
It seemed impossible.

"Biochemists discussed whether protein fragments and their 3D structures could survive over such a long period of time, especially when they had been exposed to temperatures above 40 °C in the Hell Creek Formation that would be expected to cause protein degradation."

It was easier to just ignore this evidence.

Dead dinosaurs do not bleed, everyone knows, but dinosaurs dead for 65 to 252 million years should not even have any soft tissue evidence left (blood or blood vessels) to show that they were capable of bleeding when alive.

A God of Ordered Patterns

 For God is not the author of confusion.... 
1 Corinthians 14:33

"Scientists have made a groundbreaking discovery in quantum materials, revealing that electron energy levels in certain systems follow a fractal pattern known as Hofstadter’s butterfly

A team of scientists at Princeton University has successfully
measured the energy levels of electrons in a new type of quantum material and discovered that they follow a fractal pattern,
a repeating structure that looks the same at different scales. Fractals are commonly found in nature, in things like snowflakes, ferns, and coastlines. In the quantum world, a similar pattern called Hofstadter’s butterfly was theorized back in 1976. Now, for the first time, researchers have directly observed this pattern in a real material.

Hofstadter’s butterfly represents the principal finding of a seminal 1976 paper by Douglas Hofstadter. In this work, he predicted that the energy levels of electrons confined within two-dimensional crystals under the influence of a strong magnetic field would display a characteristic fractal energy spectrum. 
The “butterfly” moniker is used because the emerging pattern, when plotted against energy and magnetic field, evinces an elegant and intricate configuration that resembles a butterfly’s wings.

Importantly, this butterfly pattern is a fractal, meaning it is a self-repeating pattern that is produced over different scales, again and again. 
While there are many examples of fractals in nature—such as coastlines and snowflakes—few are found in the quantum realm.

The Hofstadter’s regime is a rich and vibrant spectrum of topological states, and I think being able to image these states could be a very powerful way to understand their quantum properties,” said Michael Scheer, a graduate student in physics at Princeton and one of the paper’s co-lead authors." 

Sunday, March 16, 2025

INSIDE YOU Virtually Everything is Regulated

 Thank You for making me so wonderfully complex!
 Psalm 139:14 NLT

Cells are the core unit of living organisms. Thousands of protein complexes have been identified, used in cellular processes such as gene expression, manufacture and recycling of biochemicals, assembly of molecular machines, cell differentiation, embryology, etc. Guidance to ensure the correct outcomes is often referred to as information.

Information is closely associated with life, both in an organism’s internal processes and also in how organisms communicate..... such as how information is stored, searched for, and processed in brains; how information is stored and represented in biological cells; and how novel information can be generated from artificial intelligence systems.

is used to communicate instructions or understanding between a sender and receiver.
This requires the use of a jointly pre-agreed-upon code
--Codes are composed of an alphabet of symbols that are abstract, in the sense that they need bear no relationship to the message being conveyed. 
--And a message is composed of a sequence of these symbols.

After examining countless cellular processes, an important observation pointing to the existence of information is that virtually everything is regulated.

A key principle is that hundreds of cellular programs are rerun repeatedly, relying on processing logic encoded in DNA, RNA, proteins, lipids, and sugars
Each program relies on distinct coding languages
This is reminiscent of human-designed computer programs that can be reused many times." 

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Genetic Clock

 And God blessed them. And God said to them,
Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it....
Genesis 1:28 ESV
"The idea of an evolutionary genetic clock in which DNA sequences steadily change, like a clock ticking off time, has played a major role in the ideas shaping modern biology. 
As employed by evolutionists, this time-measuring technique compares DNA sequences between different species to estimate supposed rates of evolution based on the amount of changes in individual DNA letters (A, T, C, or G) in the DNA. 
When two totally different types of creatures are compared (e.g., horses and chickens), their differences are made to match up with evolutionary time through a procedure that calibrates the data with deep-time estimates taken from paleontology. 
While scientists that work in the field know this, the general public is completely unaware of this little trick.
Despite the fact that the genetic clock data are clearly manipulated to conform to vast amounts of evolutionary time, the results rarely support the overall evolutionary story. In fact, the following problems are often encountered.
  1. Different genes give widely different evolutionary rates.
  2. Different types of organisms exhibit different rates for the same type of gene sequences.
  3. Genetic-clock dates that describe when these creatures supposedly split off to form new creatures (called divergence) commonly disagree with paleontology’s timescale despite being calibrated by it.
Q: What kind of data would researchers get if the assumptions of
evolution and deep time were not used to bias the molecular-clock models? 
Q: Would the DNA sequence variation actually provide usable information to help test creationist predictions about origins? 
Interestingly, we have a variety of reported studies from both secular scientists and creationist researchers in which DNA clocks were measured empirically—without deep-time calibrations—and yielded ages of only 5,000 to 10,000 years, not millions. Each of these test cases are discussed below, but first let’s visit the closely related concept of genetic entropy.

Genomic Entropy and Genetic Clocks
During the production of egg and sperm, DNA mutations can occur and be passed on to the next generation. When these are empirically measured within a family’s pedigree, an estimate of the mutation rate can be achieved. Scientists have actually measured this rate in humans in a number of studies and found it to be between 75 and 175 mutations per generation.
Using this known data about mutation rates, a variety of researchers have used computer simulations to model the accumulation of mutations in the human genome over time. It was found that over 90% of harmful mutations fail to be removed over time and are passed on to subsequent generations. 
Because this buildup of mutations would eventually reach a critical level, it was postulated that humans would eventually go extinct at a point called error catastrophe. 
This incessant process of genome degradation over time with each successive generation is called Genetic Entropy. More amazing, the process of Genetic Entropy is closely mirrored by the trend of declining human life-span documented in the Bible, especially in the 4,300 years since the global Flood. 
In addition to these genetic simulation studies, prominent evolutionists have shown that the problem of mutation accumulation in the human genome is accompanied by the inability of natural selection to remove them—an aspect of genetics completely contrary to evolutionary assumptions.
The conclusions of these studies in modeling Genetic Entropy have been spectacularly confirmed by two additional secular studies based on empirical data that provided the same results, along with a timescale that paralleled Biblical history. Both studies examined the amount of rare single nucleotide differences in the protein-coding regions (exons) of the human genome called the exome
One study analyzed 2,440 individuals and the other 6,515. 
Over 80% of the rare variability was considered to be harmful (associated with heritable disease), and researchers attributed the presence of these mutations to “weak purifying selection.” This essentially means that the alleged ability of natural selection to remove these harmful variants from human populations was somehow powerless to do so—the exact same results observed in the computer simulation studies discussed above.
A major benefit of this type of genetic data is the fact that protein-coding regions are less tolerant of mutation than other parts of the genome, providing more reliable historical genetic information about human populations than more common types of variability. 
In addition, this type of data can be conveniently integrated into demographic models over known historical time and geographical space. When the researchers did this, they discovered a very recent and massive burst of human genetic diversification primarily associated with Genetic EntropyOne of the research papers stated, “The maximum likelihood time for accelerated growth was 5,115 years ago.” 
The other paper uncovered a similar timeline, which places the beginning of human genetic diversification close to the Genesis Flood and subsequent dispersion of people groups at the Tower of Babel
Importantly, this recent explosion of rare genetic variants clearly associated with Genetic Entropy also follows the same pattern of human life expectancy rapidly declining after the Flood.

Mitochondrial DNA Variability and Genetic Clocks
One other important realm of molecular-clock research demonstrating a recent creation comes from examining mutation rates in mitochondrial genomes. 
The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of an animal is typically inherited from the mother’s egg cell, and the mtDNA mutation rates can accurately be measured in pedigrees to produce a specific clock for that species. 
When these clocks are calibrated not by evolutionary timescales but by using the organism’s known generation time, a more realistic and unbiased estimate of that creature’s genetic clock can be obtained. By comparing these mitochondrial clocks in fruit flies, roundworms, water fleas, and humans, one creation scientist demonstrated that a creation event for all of these organisms (including humans) occurred not more than 10,000 years ago.
Other creation scientists also conducted a study into human mtDNA variation in which they statistically analyzed over 800 different sequences and reconstructed a close approximation of Eve’s original mitochondrial genome
They found that “the average human being is only about 22 mutations removed from the Eve sequence, although some individuals are as much as 100 mutations removed from Eve.” The most recent empirical estimate of the mutation rate in human mitochondria is about 0.5 per generation. Based on this rate, even for the most mutated mitochondrial sequences, it has been determined that “it would only require 200 generations (less than 6,000 years) to accumulate 100 mutations.

Lest critics say that these mtDNA studies are suspect because they were performed by creationists, it should be noted that evolutionists were actually the first to document these Biblically supportive timeframes. 
Buried within a secular research paper back in 1997, the same trends recently observed by creationists regarding human mtDNA mutation rates were first reported but received little attention in the evolutionary community. 
The authors of the paper stated, Using our empirical rate to calibrate the mtDNA molecular clock would result in an age of the mtDNA MRCA [most recent common ancestor, or the first human woman] of only ~6,500 years.
One year later, another secular researcher remarked on this study, stating,
"Regardless of the cause, evolutionists are most concerned about the effect of a faster mutation rate. For example, researchers have calculated that “mitochondrial Eve”—the woman whose mtDNA was ancestral to that in all living people—lived 100,000 to 200,000 years ago in Africa. Using the new clock, she would be a mere 6000 years old."
The article continued to note that the new findings of faster mutation rates pointing to mitochondrial Eve about 6,000 years ago also contributed to the development of mtDNA research guidelines used in forensic investigations adopted by the FBI. Now, over 17 years later, and using even more mtDNA data, creation scientists are spectacularly confirming this previous unheralded discovery.
In addition to the mtDNA clock data, scientists have also analyzed the Y chromosomes of modern men, which they found to be only
about 300 mutations on average different from the consensus sequence of a
Y-chromosome Adam
The researchers state that “even if we assume a normal mutation rate for the Y chromosome (about 1 mutation per chromosome per generation), we would only need 300 generations (about six thousand years), to get 300 mutations.”
This massive effort has just produced a huge dataset that the researchers call “a global reference for human genetic variation.” In their report, they state:
"Analysis of shared haplotype lengths around f2 variants suggests a median common ancestor ~296 generations ago (7,410 to 8,892 years ago), although those confined within a population tend to be younger, with a shared common ancestor ~143 generations ago (3,570 to 4,284 years ago)."
Amazingly, these are fairly accurate dates for both the original creation event and the Babel dispersion after the Flood.." 

Where Doubt Stems From.....

"DOUBT is the difficulty which men find in the attempt to make the
Scriptures harmonize with their ideas and experience. 
For instance, we read that:
Exodus 20:10 The seventh day is the Sabbath.... But he has not been accustomed to observe that day, and he cannot make it harmonize with his plans and convenience, and so he straightway begins to doubt the statement. 
He, too, declares that it does not mean what it says. 
Doubt arises simply from the unwillingness of men to have their lives transformed, and fashioned after the Divine plan." 
E.J. Waggoner

Mud Dragon & the Flood

And all flesh died that moved upon the earth, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of beast, and of
every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth, and every man:
Genesis 7:21
"Evolutionary scientists recently announced another spectacular dinosaur discovery. They nicknamed this one the Mud Dragon because it seems it died buried in mud.

This is the sixth oviraptor-like dinosaur unearthed from the Ganzhou area of Jiangxi Province in southeastern China. The Chinese name for this poor creature is Tongtianlong limosus or “muddy dragon on the road to heaven” due to its unusual posture.

T. limosus was found nearly complete and still articulated with its arms outstretched and head raised. Although the specimen was discovered by a farmer and construction workers, it was still partially encased in a muddy substrate when paleontologists studied it. Unfortunately, it suffered some damage from dynamite used in excavation.
This new dinosaur is one of the most beautiful, but saddest fossils I’ve ever seen,” says Stephen Brusette, one of the co-authors.

Despite lack of evidence, the Scientific Reports article also claims that oviraptorid dinosaurs, like T.
limosus, had feathers. Even most modern, artist renderings of these dinosaurs show them covered in feathers. 
Q: Why do secular paleontologists insist oviraptorids had feathers?

Brian Thomas, ICR Science Writer, explains, “In 2007 scientists claimed to have identified quill knobs on a Velociraptor fossil. Since then, secular researchers have interpreted quill knobs for other similar dinosaurs.”
Thomas continues, “But what if the first identification of Velociraptor quill knobs was wrong? Last, tiny bone bumps have more uses than just anchoring feathers. They sometimes mark attachment points for connective tissue.”

Oviraptorids, like the newly discovered T. limosus, have never been found with any real evidence for feathers. Secular scientists inferred them from the presence of ambiguous data like quill bumps found on a completely different species of dinosaur.  

Dinosaurs were not birds and show no evidence of evolving into birds. Dinosaur brain shapes and many bone structures do not resemble birds. Dinosaurs and birds were created separately by God during Creation Week. No undisputed transitional fossils between dinosaurs and birds exist anywhere.

Finally, why are secular scientists so awed by the muddy burial and unusual and posture of T. limosus?  Their only explanation is that this dinosaur must have
become stuck in the mud, struggled, and died with its head raised. Lü and co-authors explain in their paper, “It is difficult to interpret what biological and/or taphonomic processes caused this strange posture.”

They may be better off admitting that this posture is nearly impossible for an animal struggling in mud. 
Q: How could a six-foot dinosaur get mired in the mud in the first place? 
Q: And how could neck and head remain raised after it died?

Catastrophic burial during a global Flood event offers a better explanation of this dinosaur and its unusual posture. Although it’s difficult for secular science to explain this discovery, it’s easy to imagine a small dinosaur being encased in a mud-rich debris flow during the Flood,
knocked flat by the force of the flow, raising its head trying to gulp one last breath of air before suffocating in a muddy tomb. In this scenario, it’s easy to see how the dinosaur’s head was preserved in a raised position as the mud catastrophically enveloped the animal, preserving the posture as it gulped for air.
The Flood still offers the best explanation of the fossils we find all over the world. Rapid burial in watery sediment is virtually the only way to make a fossil. God’s Word explains that dinosaurs and birds were created as separate kinds, fully-formed as dinosaurs and fully-formed as birds. This dinosaur’s last breath gives testament to the truth of Genesis." 

Molecular Mysteries of Water & 3rd Plague?

And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters; and they became blood. Revelation 16:4

"Scientists have found that water, under extreme pressure and cold temperatures, can split into two different liquid phases. This was theorized decades ago but never proven—until now.

Water is a truly unique substance. It is one of the few materials that can naturally exist as a solid, liquid, and gas at the same time under normal conditions—for example, think of ice floating on a pond, liquid water beneath it, and water vapor forming clouds above. It is also unusual because its solid form, ice, is less dense than its liquid form, which is why it floats.

Now, researchers at the University of California San Diego have uncovered another remarkable property of water. Under extreme pressure and low temperatures, liquid water can separate into two distinct liquid phases—one denser than the other.

Paesani’s team conducted simulations that revealed the critical point at which the temperature is low enough (198 Kelvin or -103 Fahrenheit) and the pressure is high enough (1,250 atmospheres) for water to spontaneously separate into high-density and low-density liquids.

At this critical point, water exhibits wild oscillations between high- and low-density phases. Below this pressure, water returns to its low-density phase; above it, it shifts entirely to the high-density phase.
This is an unexpected phenomenon 
unfolding at the molecular level.

Porous liquids that can move from low to high density would behave similarly to sponges, and could be used to capture pollutants or aid in water desalinization." 
Q: Could this unlocking of the Creator's Mysteries of water be used in the End Times during the 3rd Plague by those thirsting to try and convert the blood back to water? Not that it would work for them....

Hong Kong "Surprise"

All in whose nostrils was the breath of life, of all that was in the dry land, died. Genesis 7:22

"The recent discovery of the first dinosaur fossils in Hong Kong came as a surprise to evolutionary paleontologists. It was totally unexpected since most of the rocks 
in Hong Kong are volcanic in origin. And volcanic rocks usually destroy bones, not preserve them.
It’s shocking, because I never thought there would be dinosaur fossils in Hong Kong,” said Chong Got while looking at the new dinosaur bones on display at Hong Kong’s Heritage Discovery Center.
*Michael Pittman, a dinosaur paleobiologist at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, said, Conventional scientists believe the bones were originally buried in sand and gravel, became exposed due to a flood, and then were transported and reburied in their present location.
*But Flood geologists are not surprised by this discovery. 
Recall how surprised conventional paleontologists were when the first discovery of dinosaurs was announced in Ireland in 2021. Again, there weren’t supposed to be dinosaurs there either since they were found in ocean-derived sediments mixed with marine fossils. However, dinosaurs in marine rocks seems to be a global phenomenon.
The common thread in all these dinosaur discoveries is water deposition
"Hong Kong is famous for being a built-up landscape, but half of it is country park. In the countryside areas, most of what you see are dinosaur-era rocks, but it’s volcanic rocks—and they are bad places to find fossils, because fossils just melt."
Most, if not all, dinosaurs are found in sedimentary rocks laid down by water at similar levels across the globe, including China. And the best source of water to explain these worldwide occurrences is the global Flood described in Genesis
--These so-called Cretaceous rocks at Hong Kong were deposited as the Flood water was approaching its peak level, likely close to Day 150 of the Flood. 
--Dinosaurs became entombed in mud and sand as their entire ecosystem was being destroyed by the advancing waves. At that point, a lot of volcanic activity was occurring across the world, too.
This global Flood interpretation also provides the “flood” needed to transport and bury the bones at Port Island, Hong Kong.
The Genesis Flood provides the best explanation for finding dinosaurs buried at about the same level and in the particular types of rocks across all of the continents. 
Only those who don’t accept the Bible as literal history are surprised."