For by Him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible,...For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, that THEY ARE WITHOUT EXCUSE: Col 1:16 / Rom.1:20

Saturday, February 15, 2025

3 Signs of Literal Creation Linguistically

 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. Genesis 1:3,4

God spoke the light into existence, 
He saw the light, 
and obtained information from the light, that it was good. 
God speaking the light into existence is a “motoric sign.
God seeing the light is a “sensory” sign. 
Seeing the light looking good is a “linguistic” sign. 

These three types of signs together form the material world of
ordinary existence, and they must remain consistent, just as they do in mathematics. 
Oller states that “the miracle of communication is so common that we almost always take it for granted.” 
In Genesis 1, God is communicating to us the nature of our origin and giving us an insight into the process. 
This orderly process is explained in mathematical terms, either directly or indirectly by association of what was created."
Derek Marshall

Friday, February 14, 2025


Hear this, all ye people; give ear, 
all ye inhabitants of the world:
Psalm 49:1
"ALL I know is that the only way to program a computer is to install a program or intelligence. 
Natural selection (unless it has intelligence) can't predict or determine a goal
Mutations certainly don't because mutations never- never increase information, on the contrary. 

--Evolution actually goes against the 2 law of nature
Evolution cannot explain the biological complexity of information that Gates compared to the ASCII information system. 
You might want to review Shannon's laws of information

After studying and reviewing the workings of the cell, to think that all these thousands of perfectly coordinated bio-electrical enzymatic actions are the serendipitous results of "chemical" intelligence? 
To believe this is for me, a religion that even Darwin in his "Origin of Species" readily admitted.
Darwin borrowed his natural selection from biologist Edward Blythe and his long approach to history to George Lyell. The evolution came from his father. 
But at the end dear sir, 
we are truly magnificent examples of design and not chances.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Contained in EVERY Cell

 Thank You for making me so wonderfully complex!
Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it. 
Psalm 139:14 NLT

"Every cell in your body 
---contains the same genetic sequence
---yet each cell expresses only a subset of those genes

These cell-specific gene expression patterns, which ensure that a
brain cell is different from a skin cell, are partly determined by the three-dimensional structure of the genetic material, which controls the accessibility of each gene.

Inside the cell nucleus, DNA and proteins form a complex called chromatin, which has several levels of organization
---allowing cells to cram 2 meters of DNA into a nucleus that is only one-hundredth of a millimeter in diameter
Long strands of DNA wind around proteins called histones, giving rise to a structure somewhat like beads on a string.

Chemical tags known as epigenetic modifications can be attached to DNA at specific locations, and these tags, which vary by cell type, affect the folding of the chromatin and the accessibility of nearby genes. 
These differences in chromatin conformation help determine which genes are expressed in different cell types, or at different times within a given cell."

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Your Liver Machine

 "The liver is a multifunction accessory organ to digestion, which means that it is not part of the alimentary canal, but external to it. Among other things, it is essential to the healthy functioning of the gastrointestinal and endocrine systems. Introducing digestive juices into the system, liver functions are part of the process of detoxifying and breaking down food components into a form suitable for absorption.

The liver controls the glucose level in blood by converting glucose into glycogen (glycogenesis) if the glucose level is too high, and vice versa when it is too low. When a person has low blood sugar, the
liver can release glucose through the conversion of certain amino acids and lactate, as well as other sugars like fructose and galactose. If the sugar level is too high, the liver can turn glucose into fats, too.

The compound adenosine triphosphate (ATP) delivers energy for most of life’s metabolic processes; for example, the manufacture of protein machines. ATP synthase is one such machine, a motor consisting of 29 proteins, which in turn produces ATP.

A very important function of the liver is the detoxification of drugs such as penicillin, sulfonamides (R–S(= O)2–NR2, with ‘R’ a chemical group, the simplest being hydrogen), and ethanol (alcohol).

The hepatic cells of the liver daily produce nearly 0.5 liter of bile; a basic liquid (pH 7.6–8.6) that has a yellow, brown, or olive-green color. Bile is needed for fat digestion during and after meals, so is
stored in concentrated form in the gallbladder. 

A very important function of the liver is the detoxification of drugs such as penicillin, sulfonamides (R–S(= O)2–NR2, with ‘R’ a chemical group, the simplest being hydrogen), and ethanol (alcohol).

It beggars belief how all this could have come about in a gradual, goal-less, evolutionary progression. From no liver to a fully developed, integrated, multi-tasking organ, numerous tasks would need to be put in place, all interdependent with other organs/systems.

The liver is essential for life. Without a liver, death ensues very quickly (...till an arrow pierces its liver; as a bird rushes into a snare; he does not know that it will cost him his life. Proverbs 7:23)." 

Friday, January 24, 2025

How do we detect design?

 I will praise Thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: Psalm 139:14

Q: How do we detect design?
"There is an obvious difference between writing by an intelligent person, e.g. Shakespeare’s plays, and a random letter sequence like WDLMNLTDTJBKWIRZREZLMQCOP.

We can also tell the difference between messages written in 
sand and the results of wave and wind action. 

the results of wave and wind action. 

To elaborate, a crystal is a repetitive arrangement of atoms, so is 

Such ordered structures usually have the lowest energy, so will form spontaneously at low enough temperatures. 
And the information of the crystals is already present in their building blocks; for example, directional forces between atoms. 

The design criterion may also be described in terms of information.Specified complexity means high information content. 

A repetitive sequence could be made by the program:
Print ABCD.
Return to step 1.
*But to print the plays of Shakespeare, a program would need to be large enough to print every letter in the right place.
The information content of living things is far greater than that of Shakespeare’s writings. 
There is enough information capacity in a single human cell to store the Encyclopaedia Britannica, all 30 volumes of it, three or four times over.

The carved heads of the U.S. presidents on Mt. Rushmore are clearly different from erosional features. 
Again, this is specified complexity. Erosion produces either irregular shapes or highly ordered shapes like sand dunes, but not presidents’ heads or writing.

--But proteins and DNA, the most important large molecules of life, are not ordered (in the sense of repetitive), but have high specified complexity. 
Without specification external to the system, i.e., the programmed machinery of living things or the intelligent direction of an organic chemist, there is no natural tendency to form such complex specified arrangements at all. 
--When their building blocks are combined (and even this requires special conditions), a random sequence is the result. The difference between a crystal and DNA is like the difference between a book containing nothing but ABCD repeated and a book of Shakespeare.
In formal terms, the information content of any arrangement is the size, in bits, of the shortest algorithm (program) required to generate that arrangement. 

If it’s unreasonable to believe that an encyclopedia could have originated without intelligence, then it’s just as unreasonable to believe that life could have originated without intelligence." 

Snow’s Secret Garden

 For He saith to the snow, Be thou on the earth; Job 37:6

Snow’s microscopic ecosystem of algae, fungi, and bacteria could be helping maintain a healthy biosphere on earth

We know these microbes play a role in cycling nutrients and carbon, and we’re still learning what else they do. 
The more information we harvest from snow’s secret garden, the more we marvel at God’s handiwork. 
Despite their differences, both spring and snow remind us of the Creator of life.

form around a particle—anything from a speck of dust to a microbe like bacteria—which makes them unique from sleet and hail. Sleet is made of frozen raindrops, and hail is made of sleet droplets that collect water as they fall."

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Watermelon Snow

  For He saith to the snow, Be thou on the earth; Job 37:6

"Algae can turn fallen snow different colors including green, brown, and even pink. “Watermelon snow” is pink because of ice-loving
algae (Chlamydomonas nivalis) that blooms when the sun heats up, turning the snow a rosy hue. 
Watermelon snow comes in shades of red and green, like a watermelon. 
Often, this snow even has a sweet, fruity scent. Any of a number of types of algae and cyanobacteria produce watermelon snow, including Chlamydomonas nivalis, Chlamydomonas alpina, Mesotaenium bregrenii, and Chlorooceae cyanobacterium. 
This type of snow is common in alpine and polar regions worldwide, where it may also be called blood snow or pink snow. The green color comes from chlorophyll, while the red hue comes from astaxanthin, a carotenoid pigment that also colors flamingos, crabs, and salmon that feed on algae. 
Watermelon snow has ecological importance, as it 
--acts as a food source for many organisms 
--and affects the rate of snow melt. 
The melted water is a water supply not just for the algae, but also for animals in winter." 

Saturday, January 11, 2025

ChatGPT still can't compete with human brain

 Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!
Psalm 139:14 NLT

"The public release of ChatGPT on November 30, 2022, astonished the world. 

The spell was hard to resist. Bill Gates said that 
ChatGPT was “every bit as important as the PC, as the internet.”

Wharton professor Ethan Mollick predicted that the productivity gains might be larger than the gains from steam power.
In a seeming competition for the most exaggerated claims, Sundar Pichai, CEO of Alphabet and Google, proclaimed that, it is “more profound than fire” and Turing winner Geoffrey Hinton declared, “I think it’s comparable in scale with the Industrial Revolution or electricity — or maybe the wheel.”
Marc Andreessen spoke for many when he described it as, “Pure, absolute, indescribable magic.

ChatGPT and its competitors, in all their iterations, 
--are still just text-generators based on statistical patterns in the text databases they train on. 
--They do not know how words relate to the real world. 
They are consequently unable to do many of the things human brains can do 
--including assessing the validity of the text they input and output, 
--engaging in critical thinking
--and applying common sense

Human trainers may clean up some of the obvious mistakes made by large language models (LLMs) but such cleansing does not give LLMs human powers of reasoning and understanding.el.

There will continue to be modest improvements in their responses (assisted by human trainers), but the identification of statistical patterns in text they do not understand is not going to give us AGI, let alone superintelligence." 

Friday, January 10, 2025

All Things "By Him" via His MATHEMATICS

 And He is before all things, 
and by Him all things consist. 
Colossians 1:17
"A team of scientists at Australia’s Monash University has “discovered a new universal rule of biological growth that explains surprising similarities in the shapes of sharp structures” across a vast array of living things.

It seems that the growth of 
all sharp biological structures follows the same mathematical law, called a ‘power law’. 
*This defines the relationship between the width and length of a structure as it grows—for example, an elephant’s tusk.

Such a huge sweep across vastly different life forms means evolutionists cannot use a common ancestor as an explanation. Rather, it suggests some pervasive physical reason.
Our universe is governed by many precise and universal physical-mathematical laws, reflecting its lawgiving Creator. Many medieval founders of science, such as Roger Bacon, Robert Grosseteste, and Thomas Bradwardine taught that the Creator upheld the creation in the language of mathematics."