Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools....
"You’ve probably heard this argument: Give enough monkeys enough typewriters and enough time and they will type out Shakespeare. The Infinite Monkeys Theorem is meant to show that chance rules the universe.
If you sense a problem, you are right.
Q: What does “enough” mean here?
--The Infinite Monkey Theorem only considers the infinite limit, with either an infinite number of monkeys The Infinite Monkey Theorem only considers the infinite limit, with either an infinite number of monkeys or an infinite time period of monkey labor. ..... the estimated world population of 200,000 chimpanzees types one key per second until the universe ends in about 10100 years (1 followed by 100 zeros).
Q: How far would the monkeys get with typing so many words in a correct sequence?
A: The results reveal that it is possible (around a 5% chance) for a single chimp to type the word ‘bananas’ in its own lifetime.
If you sense a problem, you are right.
Q: What does “enough” mean here?
--The Infinite Monkey Theorem only considers the infinite limit, with either an infinite number of monkeys The Infinite Monkey Theorem only considers the infinite limit, with either an infinite number of monkeys or an infinite time period of monkey labor. ..... the estimated world population of 200,000 chimpanzees types one key per second until the universe ends in about 10100 years (1 followed by 100 zeros).
Q: How far would the monkeys get with typing so many words in a correct sequence?
A: The results reveal that it is possible (around a 5% chance) for a single chimp to type the word ‘bananas’ in its own lifetime.
However, even with all chimps enlisted, the Bard’s entire works (with around 884,647 words) will almost certainly never be typed before the universe ends. “Too short”
If the monkeys couldn’t type out Shakespeare within the life of the universe, human creativity is not just a matter of chance."