For by Him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible,...For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, that THEY ARE WITHOUT EXCUSE: Col 1:16 / Rom.1:20

Sunday, December 17, 2023

MARS: Krypton

Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God...
Hebrews 11:3

"Geologists at the University of California at Davis were surprised
when they measured krypton isotope ratios in a rare meteorite believed to have been delivered to Earth from Mars.

Planetary scientists use isotope ratios as divination tools. According to their models, certain krypton isotopes indicate a primordial nebula as the source. Other isotopes indicate meteors as their source millions of years later. Krypton, being a noble gas, is a “volatile” element that can be found in a planet’s crust and atmosphere.

Here’s the conventional narrative from a UCD press release June 16, 2022, “Martian Meteorite Upsets Planet Formation Theory.
"A basic assumption about planet formation is that planets first collect these volatiles from the nebula around a young star, said Sandrine Péron, a postdoctoral scholar working with Professor Sujoy Mukhopadhyay in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of California, Davis.
Because the planet is a ball of molten rock at this point, these elements initially dissolve into the magma ocean and then degas [de-gas] back into the atmosphere. Later on, chondritic meteorites crashing into the young planet deliver more volatile materials.
So scientists expect that the volatile elements in the interior of the planet should reflect the composition of the solar nebula, or a mixture of solar and meteoritic volatiles, while the volatiles in the atmosphere would come mostly from meteorites. These two sources — solar vs. meteoritic — can be distinguished by the ratios of isotopes of noble gases, in particular krypton."

--The scientists at UCD carefully measured the krypton isotope ratios
in a Mars meteorite that fell to Earth in France in 1815. 
--Alas, it didn’t fit the narrative. 
The divination work indicated that the meteorite, thought to be
primitive from Mars’ interior, had a substantial amount of atmospheric
Often the ‘surprise effect’ tells a philosopher of science that a paradigm is suffering an anomaly.

Surprisingly, the krypton isotopes in the meteorite correspond to those originating from meteorites, not the solar nebula. That means that meteorites were delivering volatile elements to the forming planet much earlier than previously thought, and in the presence of the nebula, reversing conventional thinking.

Q: How devastating is this anomaly? Is it just a one-off measurement that still fits the secular paradigm of planet formation? 
--: If Mars completed its growth when the solar nebula was still intact, the sun should have blown off the nebula, and Mars’ early atmosphere with it.
Q: So how did Mars come to have any remaining atmospheric krypton?

*Data proved opposite their expectations:
"Our observations contradict the common hypothesis that, during planet formation, chondritic volatile delivery occurred after solar gas acquisition….."

Send more funding, and they will find figure it out. They’ve been wrong for decades about their divination technique, but they can keep their jobs anyway. You can trust them. They are scientists. No scientist ever has to be held accountable for misleading generations of trusting students."